fnctId=pnuProfl,fnctNo=1526 search postings profile list Dong-yoon Kim POSITION Emeritus EMAIL dykim@pusan.ac.kr RESEARCH AREA advanced water treatment Ok-hyun Park POSITION Emeritus EMAIL ohpark@pusan.ac.kr RESEARCH AREA Transport and Diffusion of Air Pollution , Odor Control Technology, Removal of Air-Born Particulates Changwon Kim POSITION Emeritus EMAIL cwkim@pusan.ac.kr RESEARCH AREA Microbial fuel cells-microbial fuel cells Modeling, control and diagnosis of wastewater treatment process Taejoo Park POSITION Emeritus EMAIL taejoo@pusan.ac.kr RESEARCH AREA Biological treatment of sewage and wastewater Energy recovery and waste treatment KwangJoong Oh POSITION Professor EMAIL kjoh@pusan.ac.kr RESEARCH AREA Complex and simultaneous treatment process using CO2 absorption and regeneration Mixing refuse derived fuel made by waste wood and waste resources of pyrolysis